Bella Harnick, Freshman
As a freshman, I am looking for- ward to the biggest spirit event of the school year: Rebel Olympics. One component of the event that I am especially looking forward
to is the dance, which I hope will be a part of Rebel War this year. Although I have heard that coordinating the dance is stressful, I have also heard that it is a fun, worth while experience.
I also think adding a scavenger hunt to the typical agenda would improve the event. This scavenger hunt could consist of clues that lead to an ultimate prize—points for the winning class.
Another idea for the event is to include a baking competition. Each grade could try to bake the best cake, which would be judged on appearance and taste. Whatever the changes may be, I know that Rebel Olympics will be an event that I – and the whole school – will enjoy!
Additionally, I think that Rebel War is an excellent opportunity for students to display not only their talents when competing, but also their school spirit. Essential to advancing and uniting our school, these values coupled with the fun and relaxation of Rebel War are sure to make this annual events lasting memory.
Michael Shen, Sophomore
Many people complain that Rebel War is pointless. If you have indeed attended Rebel War be- fore, this opinion is understandable, given that the same events are repeated every year. Some new events that I would want to see in Rebel War are a rubber chicken throw (the winner determined by adding the distance each person can throw) and juggling bowling pins while hopping on one foot or on a unicycle.
Besides adding these new events, I would like to see the overall spirit of Rebel War change as well. While winning is often the goal, the friendly competition should teach more valuable lessons relating to teamwork and leadership; every attendee should develop and strengthen persistence, courage, team camaraderie, respect, and school spirit.
Deborah Glick, Junior
A girl once told me, “Our grade has never really supported school spirit and doesn’t seem to care. If the rest of your class doesn’t care, I don’t see why you care either.”
As Class Planning President, I often get asked that question. I constantly try to promote spirit because I understand its importance. Spirit makes me happy, and whether students admit it or not, spirit makes everyone happy. Some may act indifferently to- wards a spirited school; how- ever, the fact is that our school and students would be more unified with more spirit.
Now we have an opportunity to change things. Rebel Olympics is approaching in March, and I have high hopes for the event. Many students com- plain that Rebel Olympics is point- less, unnecessary, and exclusive. Frankly, I don’t understand this closed-minded point of view.
Rebel Olympics is a time to unite the grades and the overall student body. The events are open to all students and everybody is encouraged to attend. I oversee the
events and the participants, and it is not exclusive. More importantly, Rebel Olympics is the apex of our school spirit. I don’t see how an opportunity like this can be viewed as unnecessary.
It is important to know that new events are being added to this night. These events will involve talents other than athletics and arts, and they are being added in the hope that more students will participate. Grade unity would be improved if more students felt motivated to help their grade win events. Grade unity is the key to school spirit.
Why not make school a little fun? Rebel Olympics is a time for students to come together and just have fun. It doesn’t matter if you think our school is cliquey; it doesn’t matter if you think the event is tacky; it doesn’t matter if you think this article is pointless: all that matters is that you will have fun on this exciting night.
And with all the stress school has given us, we all deserve a little fun.
Sharon Glick, Senior
Having been a faithful participant in the Rebel Olympics dance and other Olympics-related activities for the past three years, I am a big supporter of this genuinely fun, stress-relieving Saturday night activity for all of South’s students. As students look for ways to boost school spirit, most miss a very easy solution: convincing their friends and motivating themselves to dress up for spirit week, attend Rebel Olympics, and most importantly participate in the event itself.
In AP psychology, I recently learned through conformity studies that if one third of the school dressed up for spirit week or participated in Rebel Olympics, more of the student body would be motivated to participate as well. So how do we get one third of South’s students to actively augment the low level of school spirit?
I believe that the changes being made to Rebel Olympics this year will be positive and will hopefully involve more people. In the past, we have always had artists work on chalk art, dancers do the dance, and others participate in the miscellaneous events throughout the night. I hope that the changes this year will include more people with a wider range of talents throughout the class because that is what Rebel Olympics is all about: employing your special talents in a fun, friendly, and competitive way to help out your class and show- case your skills outside of the classroom.
Letters to the Editor: Redefining Rebel Olympics
March 4, 2014
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